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As Pure As Nature

Best Ayurvedic Company in India

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The Purest Ayurvedic Extracts

At Nanavedik, we believe in the power of purity. All Nanavedik products have been formulated while keeping in mind the guiding principles of Ayurvedic philosophy. Our products represent the laborious research that went into creating them. All products have been made with a combination of oleoresin extracts derived from various medicinal spices and herbs. They’re free from any artificial additives and preservatives. Nanavedik, the best Ayurvedic company in India, with its wide range of products, attempts to help you ease into a natural and sustainable way of healing, and, more importantly, a holistic way of living.

समदोषः समाग्निश्च समधातु मलःक्रियाः।

प्रसन्नात्मेन्द्रियमनः स्वस्थइतिअभिधीयते॥ 

                                       – सुश्रुत संहिता

Ayurveda Literature

This excerpt from the Sushrut Samhita states that good health exists when the doshas are balanced, the digestive agni (fire) is strong, the saptadhatus are well-nourinsed, and the malakriya is functioning properly. 

Ayurveda encompasses all aspects of a healthy body, including the physiological, the anatomical, the mental, and the spiritual. If any one of these is not in order, it gives rise to diseases and wreaks havoc on the person.

We, at Nanavedik, firmly stand by this philosophy and use it as a guiding light while curating and formulating our products. They are made to restore the balance of doshas, nourish the saptadhatu, strengthen immunity, and cure not only diseases but also fix the root cause of diseases, thereby preventing them from occurring again. 

Ayurveda – About Best Ayurvedic Company

As the recent years have witnessed people all over the world shifting to more natural ways of healing, Ayurveda has been seeing unprecedented growth in popularity throughout the globe. Derived from Sanskrit, the term ‘Ayu’ means life and the term ‘Veda’ refers to Knowledge. Ayurveda (literally meaning the knowledge or science of life) is the system of traditional medicine developed over centuries in India. It is one of the oldest medical systems in the world. It is essentially a form of alternative medicine that follows a more holistic approach to health and wellness. Ayurveda prioritizes the prevention of illnesses by enforcing a healthy and balanced lifestyle. This goes a long way towards boosting immunity and preventing diseases.

Ayurvedic Classical company

Our Journey as a Best Ayurvedic Company in India

Best Ayurvedic Company In India

India, with its vast heritage and knowledge in Ayurveda, does not have to look too far. Riding on many waves of evolution, Ayurveda is balanced to re-enter our lives in different ways. The practice of Ayurveda became a tremendously influential force for both the eastern and western world. This age-old wisdom has taught us that the more things change, the more they stay the same. Ayurveda is actually about proactive, holistic health.

Due to the discovery, education, information, and relationships of our ancestors as Ayurvedic practitioners, Nanavedik adopted Ayurveda as a holistic healing tool and entered into Ayurvedic, wellness, Herbal nutritional food Supplements, natural health care, and Herbal substances products. Nanavedik, in a very short period, is today the best Ayurvedic company in India and a trusted brand in Ayurvedic, wellness, Herbal nutritional food Supplements, natural health care, and Herbal substances products.

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Heath Guide from Best Ayurvedic Company

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All our products contain pure and natural extracts derived from plants, herbs, and spices manufactured by the best Ayurvedic Company in India. We suggest that you adhere to the dosage indicated on the product, or follow the dosage prescribed by a doctor. Confused about which products are best for you? You can consult our Ayurvedic doctors for free. 

Our products are the highest form Spice extracts & arrangement of natural cure or solution makeup of Indian spices, herbs, and plants. We are using natural spices in having the purity and richness of nature in every drop.
In this COVID 19 era, we recommend using our products it may be useful to you and you can enjoy your good health all products shall contribute more to your overall well-being. Our products may also add to your complete fitness, do please practice Yoga and Meditation to regain your evenness and serenity.

As per our philosophy of working, we are doing service and supply of our very high premium product for both domestic and global markets, we and our associates & affiliates are following domestic & global standards of clinical validation and trial we are working within the purview of the Food Safety and Standards Act of India (FSSAI) to comply with international regulations such as World Health Organization – Good Manufacturing Practices (WHO-GMP), Good Manufacturing Practices from Ministry of AYUSH (AYUSH – GMP), Manufacturing license from Ministry of AYUSH, ISO 14001:2015 and HALAL & other certifications.

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