In Ayurveda, food – like everything else in creation –fall into these same categories and there are Satvic,Rajaric and Tamasic  foods, which have the ability to increase these qualities within us when we eat them.

Cooking and eating food is absolutely very important activates of our life. Cooking and eating in a friendly and calm atmosphere at regular timings, cherish and enhances our complete well-being. Meals planning should be as per the time and part of the day our digestive system is strongest in the morning and as the day progresses, the metabolism slows down. Therefore, breakfast and lunch should be fairly ample meals, and dinner the lightest. Digestive toxins  is the root cause of many disorders. The what, when, and how is very important for a proper dite system.

Ayurveda says you may never need medicines if you eat ayurvedic diet bases on its theory of the existence. Ayurveda is the over 5000 years old Indian culture has  do well  by consuming natural, seasonal foods-based on the ancient acumen and affluence with the knowledge of Ayurveda.

Ayurveda concluded that the advantageous food, eaten correctly, care for the body, mind, and spirit. It sees food as medicine – the original & unifying medicine or holistic healing process.

Almost all natural cure or solution make up of Indian spices, herbs and plants. Ayurveda advices eating according to one’s inherent type – These combine in the human body to form three life forces or energies, called doshas. They control how your body works. They are Vata dosha (space and air); Pitta dosha (fire and water); and Kapha dosha (water & earth) the three Doshas, called one’s Prakriti – which are, Vata, Pita Though all of us represent & exhibit all three Doshas, the primary Dosha is supposed to guide you in your food habits.

ayurvedic diet

We already explained above the  Ayurvedic principles & knowledge as ayurvedic diet bases on three categories as under:


Through Sattvic living we can help the nourishment of our bodies and promote the development of higher-quality tissues. Sattvic foods are considered to be the most healing, and also help to harmonize all three doshas.

 These are the best-quality foods that enhance health and strength, energy and vitality, and lay the foudations for a Sattvic state of mind. These foods promote mental clarity, enhance love and compass ion, and enable the developmen of a strong intellect and a good memory. Sattvic foods are  fresh, light, juicy, Sweet, nourishing, energy­ giving and tasty.




These are medium-quality foods often high  in protein and carbohydrate. They tend to be stimulating   and   capable of generating high levels of energy. They  taste bitter, sour, salty and  pungent, and have hot and dry qualities. Rajasic foods include:

  • Red and white meat, cheese, eggs and fish
  • Garlic, onions, beans, the nightshade family (tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, aubergines), the brassica family (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts), radishes.
  • Hot, spicy and fried foods, especially chillies

  • Sour, unripe fruits

  • Pickles and  chutneys
  • Potatoes and other root vegetables etc.

Sattvic foods become Rajasic if they are fried in oil and pungent spices, or overcooked. Foods that are hotter or colder than body temperature are also said to be  Rajasic. We need Rajasic  foods to enable us to carry out  our activities and  keep pace with the changing world, but  excessive intake of  them is said to create restlessness, exciten1ent, agitation, anger,  jealousy, deceit, egoism and over-high energy.


These are low-quality, devitalized foods and include unpala table, overcooked, tinned,dried, processed, frozen and  junk foods, as well as leftover food that has been ‘spoiled’ –  that is, cooked and left too long to go off. Tamasic fods use a lot of energy in their digestion. Tamasic foods include:

  • Fizzy drinks and sweets
  • Snacks such as crisps, chocolate, ice cream and popcorn
  • Excessive alcohol and all intoxicants
  • Foods containing additives and preservatives and all genetically modified foods

  • Pork  beef, dark meats, onion, garlic  peanuts and dreid milk, Bread  that is more than eight  hours old
  • Eggs and chesees
  • Mushrooms and avocados, fried and fermented foods vinegar most peasant fare would come under this category. 

A general list of category of food items for holistic health and well-being in a Traditional Indian Diet: Grains, Lentils, Pulses and Beans, Condiments, Spices, and Herbs, Dry Fruits, Nuts, and Seeds, Milk & Milk Products, All Seasonal Vegetables, All Seasonal Fruits and Water.

To make the best of  our predominantly Sattvic diet it is best to eat slowly and in moderate amounts. The general Ayurvedic guidelines are to eat  until you are three-quarters full, leaving quarter of your stomach empty to allow room for your digestive enzymes to mix properly with your food.

Ayurveda gives us this perspective to make enable us choices that work with our unique diet and lifestyle. Advocates of Ayurveda firm belive that Human physiology is a reflection of the laws of the Universe. Since all human beings are composed of the five elements – water, fire, air, earth, and space, it becomes necessary to be in correspond with the beat & law of Nature to be healthy.



Ayurveda concluded 5000 years back  that the suitable food, eaten accurately, cherish the body, mind, and spirit. Ayurveda come to an end that food as medicine – the authentic unifying medicine or and  the path of holistic healing process.

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