What is Fatigue?

Fatigue simply means tiredness, Fatigue not only means physical tiredness it can also be a mental breakdown. Fatigue is caused by both reasons that are mental or physical. If we consider the exact definition of fatigue then it is “When a person is not feeling energetic and motivated”. Something is lost from his body strength.
There is not any particular age or time when someone goes through this issue; it can affect anyone at any point in life. The especially adult section of people feels fatigued once in their life and that can be because of various reasons.
The reason behind this is not any medical condition, in fact, the lifestyle or maybe the way of living and events that are going on in your life. Apart from that social and mental state of life can also be one of the reasons and the general problem of life that occur at various stages of life.


Weakness After Covid

Fatigue After Covid 19

Fatigue is also related to Covid-19 as fatigue is one of the specific symptoms of covid-19 which indicates something is wrong with the health. It was one of the prior stage symptoms of Covid-19 and some of the case studies suggested that more people are found with this health issue at their pre-symptomatic days and this can continue for a long period.
Feeling tired is nothing new or nothing to be tensed about but when this issue occurs in the middle of the corona pandemic then you have to think about it because it could be caused by covid-19 or maybe one of the symptoms that are giving you an indication that you might be suffering from covid-19.
But that doesn’t mean that you panic out of being tired because fatigue is the common thing that also occurs even in viral fever or sometimes maybe without any reason. But on the other hand, you can’t even ignore this symptom. Because according to the research of WHO laboratory confirmed that fatigue was the third most common symptom of covid-19 after fever and dry cough.
When it comes to the confusion that how will you judge that is it because of covid-19 or just normal tiredness then it’s not an easy task but also not rocket science, if the feeling of being tired is just a casual feeling then it might go away after having proper rest. But if it is because of covid-19 then it will last for long and doesn’t vanish away easily even after having rest or sleep of few hours. It’s really hard to bear with any physical as well as mental effort work when it is because of covid-19.


Lack of Sleep – Being tired is a common thing especially when anyone doesn’t get proper sleep. Lack of sleep is one of the main causes which lead to fatigue.

Lack of sleep

Stress – If a person is stressed about something then even after having physical rest he will not feel better because his mind is not relaxed and he will remain in a state of fatigue.


Too much sleep – This may contradict the first point that having proper sleep is very important but that doesn’t mean, that too much sleep is beneficial to overcome the fatigue issue because anything at an extreme level is harmful.

Too much Sleep

Consuming extra caffeine – Caffeine helps to reduce sleep and energize your body when it badly wants to sleep and if you take caffeine that will help you to stay up late that’s why don’t consume it in heavy amounts.

Extra caffeine

Alcohol and Drugs – consumption of alcohol and drugs will never let you live like a normal person then how can you sleep like a normal one without having any issues.

Alcohol and Drugs

Night Shift – It is a natural phenomenon that night are planned to sleep and to have proper rest but people who stay up the whole night because of their work schedule and this create a problem of fatigue.

Night Shift

Depression – This is not possible for a depressed mind to have peaceful sleep and even if he or she has their proper sleeping routine then also they will not feel fresh after waking p from their long hour sleep.


Feeling of failure – This is one of the most common issues especially in the young and adult section of the population, students who are studying or preparing for something and someone who is trying too out of the box, also the ones who are taking risk of starting their business.

Feeling of Failure

Poor Diet – Not having a proper healthy meal is also one of the reasons that create an issue for not having a proper sleeping schedule and that leads to fatigue or tiredness after covid 19.

Poor Diet


  1. Chronic Tiredness – Chronic tiredness simply means fatigue that doesn’t go away just by having rest or treating causative diseases. Having chronic fatigue indicates that a person might be suffering from fatigue.
  2. Headache – Having a headache issue again and again in a small period indicates that you need to give attention to your health especially in the middle of this corona pandemic.
  3. Painful Muscle – Having a lot of physical work may be sometimes lead to muscle pain and having more than the normal issue of muscle pain is the symptom of fatigue.
  4. Muscle Weakness – It is not normal when a person feels weakness in covid in muscles but if something like this is happening then it is a must that he or she needs proper treatment for fatigue.
  5. Poor concentration – A healthy person can do anything with his complete focus and concentration but when you are not able to focus on things then it is also the symptom of fatigue.
  6. Appetite loss – When a person is healthy he automatically feels to eat something. But if a person is having an issue of appetite loss it shows that something is not right with the health.
  7. Mood Swings – A tired person cannot live with a happy mood, when someone is going through the issue of fatigue then he might get frequent mood swings and can easily get irritated on small things.
  8. Reduced Immunity – This is also one of the signs that indicate that the body is not in fit and healthy condition and which is not good for the long term.
  9. Short-term memory loss – A person with a tired mind cannot keep the things on right track mentally. He might forget the things for a while.


According to Ayurveda fatigue or tiredness is caused by the imbalance of all three doshas or may be any one of them. Three doshas are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Fatigue can be caused by any of the three reasons that are mental, physical, and emotional. It can also be caused by variations of Vata, Pitta, or Kapha. But usually, Vata is the main dosha that is involved and imbalanced Vata causes improper circulation of nutrient plasma to all the body tissues and this improper circulation also causes fatigue.

Post Covid Fatigue Ayurvedic Treatment

1. Ashwagandha – This is one of the best herbs that are known for its quality to boost up the energy level. It has all the properties that help in energy-boosting.

2. Jatamansi – This is very useful for stress and fatigue health issues because it has anti-stress and anti-fatigue properties. Its roots are best for therapeutic effects on any stressed mind.

3. Licorice – The roots of this herb are also known for its natural effects on fatigue no matter how long you are facing this issue of fatigue but licorice will surely help you.

4. Mandukparni – It improves blood circulation by relaxing the blood vessel and also helps to reduce stress, insomnia, depression, mental fatigue, and anxiety.

5. Vasaka – It also improves the flow of blood and because of that it helps a lot and also has the cooling effect on the mind by working against fatigue and anxiety and this all leads to improving memory.

6. Shilajeet – It is very beneficial to improve energy production and also act as a revitalizer that increases physical performance and because of that, it helps in relieving fatigue.

7. Bhringraj – Just like its powerful name, it also provides energy and power to the body by reducing weakness and fatigue after covid. It also improves the vitality of the body.

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