Kapha Dosha

According to Ayurveda, all living things consist of the five elements found in nature. These elements, also known as Panchamahabhootas, are Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether. Humans are believed to be made up of the same five elements. The nature of these elements is believed to be determined at the time of birth. As long as these five elements are in order, good health prevails. According to Ayurvedic philosophy, illnesses are a result of an imbalance in these constituent elements. Ayurveda refers to such imbalances as Dosha. It further goes on to classify these doshas into Pitta (fire and water) dosha, Vata (air and space) dosha, and Kapha (water and earth) dosha.

what is kapha dosha in ayurveda

What is the Kapha dosha?

The Kapha dosha represents an amalgamation of the Jal (Water) and the Prithvi (Earth) mahabhootas. The main function of the Kapha dosha is to bind energy. It connects the core elements of the body and helps in maintaining moisture and lubrication. Kapha is concentrated primarily in the chest and the stomach cavities. It affects the bones, muscles, and tendons. It lubricates the joints, facilitates easy movement, and helps to keep the skin healthy and hydrated. The Kapha dosha is characterised by stability and lack of movement. This is why people who are dominated by the Kapha dosha have a slow metabolism. As a result, they tend to have excessive fat, muscle, and large bone structure. Due to the presence of a strong digestive fire, people dominated by Kapha have a large appetite. Such individuals are devoted and nurturing and make excellent caretakers and thinkers.

Gunas (qualities) of Kapha

In Ayurveda, the term Guna refers to quality. Since Kapha is comprised of the Jal (water) and the Prithvi (earth) mahabhootas (elements), it is known for several qualities that help in the identification of the Kapha dosha.

The qualities (guna) of Kapha are:

  • Slow
  • Heavy
  • Cold
  • Steady
  • Solid
  • Soft
  • Oily

In order to restore an aggravated Kapha, one needs to consume foods that have the opposite gunas. This is an effective way of restoring the Kapha balance in the body. Apart from the dietary changes, one can include Ayurvedic herbs and herbal preparations that are known to restore Kapha balance and reduce inflammation in the body.

Identifying the Kapha Body

All human beings are governed by one of the three doshas. As stated earlier, the nature of the five elements (panchamahabhootas) is determined at the time of birth. This not only determines the Prakriti of the person but also the dominant doshaKapha dosha exists when the earth and water elements exist in greater prominence in comparison to the other elements. Due to the presence of many salient features, it is possible to differentiate among the three body types, i.e., the Vata body, the Kapha body, and the Pitta body.

Some important characteristics of the Kapha body include:

  • Thick, dark hair
  • Big eyes
  • Shiny, white teeth
  • Thick and moist skin
  • Skin feels cold to touch
  • A healthy appetite
  • Weak digestive fire
  • More prone to weight gain
  • Calm and cheerful nature
  • Generally lazy and lethargic
  • A laidback attitude
  • Happy and cheerful
  • Peaceful and balanced
  • Sensitive nature

The balance or the lack of balance of Kapha dosha in people governed by it is easily identifiable due to these peculiar characteristics. When Kapha is in balance, people feel calm, happy, and content. Kapha-dominated people are known to be loving and forgiving.

However, when Kapha is out of balance, it gives rise to negative emotions such as greed and jealousy. Kapha imbalance gives rise to various side effects such as nausea, excessive salivation, lethargy, dullness, fatigue, weight gain, and an abnormal appetite. Due to their aversion to physical activity and slow metabolism, they are at risk of being overweight and often suffer from diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and hypertension. They tend to develop depression and attachment issues. They also suffer from water retention due to poor lifestyle habits combined with lethargy and non-movement.

Dominating time of Kapha

According to Ayurveda, the 24 hours of a day are affected by the three doshasPitta, governed by fire and water, is dominant twice a day. As the Kapha dosha exhibits the characteristics of both water and earth, it is heavy and sluggish by nature. The time between 6 AM and 10 AM, and again between 6 PM and 10 PM, is dominated by the Kapha dosha. Kapha is known to dominate in the late winter and spring.

Dominating time of Kapha
Causes of Kapha imbalance

Causes of Kapha imbalance

Numerous factors are responsible for the Kapha dosha falling out of balance. To restore this balance, it is important to identify the causes that led to the vitiation of Kapha, as learning about these causes and patterns can prove to be of immense help before one starts to follow corrective measures. Some common factors responsible for Kapha imbalance include:

  • Oily and junk food
  • Some dairy products
  • Aerated cold drinks
  • Excessively salty, sweet, and sour foods
  • Frozen and processed foods
  • Lethargy and lack of physical activity
  • Erratic sleeping schedule
  • Frequent eating, irregular meal times
  • Exposure to cold and damp weather
  • Sleeping during the daytime
  • Hereditary conditions such as diabetes and obesity
  • Increase in weight due to depression
  • Poor lifestyle choices

Symptoms of Kapha imbalance

An imbalanced Kapha dosha gives rise to several problems. However, most of these problems do not appear overnight. A Kapha imbalance is easily recognisable with the help of initial symptoms. When left unchecked, these symptoms may aggravate and manifest into various diseases. The most commonly occurring symptoms include gastric disorders and inflammation. Some of the commonly occurring symptoms of Kapha imbalance are:

  • Excess mucous
  • Slow bowel movements
  • Increase in body weight
  • Thick white tongue
  • Sinus congestion
  • Poor metabolism
  • Loss of strength
  • Accumulation of fat in the arteries
  • Mucoid diarrhoea
  • Pre-diabetes
  • Cold, cough, and a runny nose
  • Hay fever
  • Cold sweat
  • Frequent urination
  • Excessive formation of ear wax
  • Oily skin and hair
  • Poor sense of taste and smell
Symptoms of Kapha imbalance

Balancing Kapha with Diet

An imbalance in doshas can often be attributed to the accumulation of ama or toxins in the body. This interferes with the Prakriti and disrupts the balance. The first and most vital step towards restoring this balance involves making better choices in both diet and lifestyle. Food, in particular, determines overall health. In order to balance Kapha, one needs to consume foods with Kapha-pacifying gunas. More importantly, one must avoid foods that are known to aggravate Kapha.

Balancing Kapha with Diet

Food that can be consumed:

  • Freshly cooked food
  • Warm, light, and dry food.
  • Raw fruit and vegetables
  • Spicy food is good for balancing Kapha, particularly in colder months.
  • Food cooked without the use of water (baked/grilled/sautéed)
  • Spices such as fenugreek, sesame, turmeric, and cumin.
  • Vegetables such as leafy greens, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, celery, brinjal, garlic, mushrooms, onions, potatoes, and peas.
  • Fruits such as apples, papayas, pears, cherries, pomegranates, grapefruits, berries, and dried fruits.
  • Grains such as barley, corn, oats, millets, and basmati rice.
  • Warm milk (skimmed), goat’s milk, soy milk, and eggs.
  • Lean meats such as chicken and fish.
  • Ghee and oils can be used in small amounts.

Avoid these foods:

  • Foods with too much salt and sugar.
  • Deep fried foods
  • Sugar, fats, and dairy products
  • Chilled food and beverages
  • Kidney beans and tofu.
  • Avoid vegetables like sweet potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, and zucchini.
  • Avoid bananas, dates, mangoes, and coconut.
  • Avoid rice and wheat.
  • Avoid egg yolks (egg whites can be eaten)
  • Avoid red meat and shrimp.

Balancing Kapha: Dos and Don’ts

  • Indulge in some form of physical exercise every day to improve your metabolism.
  • Follow a healthy routine.
  • Avoid taking naps during the day.
  • Avoid overeating.
  • Eat a healthy meal at lunchtime.
  • Eat only light and dry meals at night.
  • Wake up early and sleep on time.
  • Adopt behavioural changes to avoid being lethargic.
  • Stay warm and dry.

Curing Diseases Caused by Kapha Imbalance

Most commonly occurring diseases that appear over time as a result of a dosha imbalance are curable and manageable with the help of medicinal Ayurvedic herbs and spices. Ayurveda relies on nature to cure diseases. Ayurvedic supplements work by restoring the balance of doshas. They are highly effective in restoring the balance of dosha by promoting detoxification. When combined with a Kapha-pacifying diet, these ayurvedic formulations heal the body from within and promote optimum health.

Mentioned hereunder are some of the common diseases that occur due to an imbalance in the Kapha dosha, along with the remedial herbs and medicinal preparations that are likely to be helpful in their treatment and management.


Due to the slow and steady nature of the Kapha, it causes people dominated by the Kapha dosha are prone to experiencing excessive drowsiness. It can be fixed by following a Kapha-pacifying diet enriched with foods that boast of Kapha-balancing qualities. Certain herbs and spices such as Ashwagandha and Shilajit are known to improve energy levels and reduce drowsiness.

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Cough is caused due to several underlying reasons. It is generally caused due to the vitiation of pitta and Kapha doshas.

Kaphaja Kasa, the cough caused by a Kapha imbalance, causes the accumulation of thick mucus. It is also accompanied by a runny nose, coughing, and nausea in many cases. Its treatment requires a Kapha-balancing diet. Some herbs, such as lemongrass, tulsi, and ginger, have proven to be beneficial.

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Respiratory disorders

A vitiated Kapha gives rise to various respiratory disorders. The accumulation of toxins leads to various inflammatory conditions. Some of these commonly occurring conditions include bronchitis, colds, and coughs. Tulsi, cinnamon, lemongrass, and ginger prove to be beneficial for their treatment.

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Obesity and Weight Gain

Due to lethargy and lack of movement caused by a dominating Kapha, the metabolic rate worsens over time and leads to weight gain. Other comorbid conditions that occur besides weight gain include but are not limited to poor cardiovascular health, diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol. To overcome this, it is important to adopt an active lifestyle in combination with a kapha-balancing diet.

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Goitre is caused due to the deficiency of iodine. It can also be caused by an inflammation in the thyroid gland, which can be triggered by various factors. Ayurveda refers to goitre caused due to a Kapha imbalance as Kaphaja Galganda. It causes the thyroid gland to swell due to inflammation. Treatment of the same involves Kapha-pacifying herbs such as methi, cardamom, and haldi that reduce inflammation.

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An imbalance of the water element in the body causes the digestive Agni (fire) to weaken over time. This hampers digestive function and causes indigestion. Foods that improve the digestive fire help to cure indigestion, apart from avoiding foods that aggravate Kapha.

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Hardening of blood vessels

High cholesterol is a common problem faced by people suffering from aggravated Kapha. LDL cholesterol is notorious for causing heart problems and blockages in the arteries. It gives rise to serious conditions such as arteriosclerosis (hardening and thickening of arteries) and atherosclerosis (narrowing of arteries due to the deposition of fat). These conditions are reversible with the help of a healthy diet and exercise. Certain herbs and spices such as turmeric, cinnamon, and ashwagandha are known to improve cardiovascular health by balancing the Kapha dosha. Curcumin, an anti-inflammatory compound found in turmeric, has proven to be beneficial for treatment. Arjuna bark is known to improve cardiovascular health. Cinnamon and Ashwagandha help to improve cardiac health and lower cholesterol. Brahmi is another herb that is used for its therapeutic effect on overall health.

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Loss of appetite

A weak digestive fire prevents the digestive system from performing efficiently. This gives rise to a poor appetite, followed by improper nourishment that manifests itself in the form of various health problems. Kapha-balancing supplements help to rekindle the digestive fire and maintain a healthy appetite.

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Flu caused due to a vitiated dosha is common and can be treated with the help of Ayurvedic herbs and spices such as tulsi, cinnamon, and giloy.

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Sinusitis, or the inflammation of the sinuses, is triggered due to an imbalance of the Kapha dosha, which weakens the immune system and increases the risk of sinusitis and other inflammatory conditions.

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Bronchitis refers to an inflammatory condition of the bronchial tubes, which play an important role in the proper functioning of the respiratory system. The inflammation is accompanied by several symptoms, such as congestion, cough, wheezing, chest pain, body aches, and wheezing. People suffering from a vitiated Kapha are more prone to this disease. Ashwagandha, giloy, garlic, and various other herbs are known to be useful in the management of bronchitis.

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Bone and Joint Disorders

An imbalance of the water element leads to the buildup of fluid. This causes congestion and inflammation in the bones and joints. This is usually known as arthritis caused due to a vitiated Kapha. Apart from arthritis, an imbalance in the Kapha dosha is known to cause joint pain and body aches. It can be managed by following a Kapha-balancing diet, along with regular physical exercise.

Useful Products

While supplements are not a substitute for proper nutrition received through a wholesome diet, they go a long way towards filling any voids and strengthening the immune system. Ayurvedic supplements have been an indispensable part of the diet throughout the Indian subcontinent because of their immense benefits. Apart from the Kapha-pacifying hers, Tridoshic herbs are also known to be useful. Herbs such as Gotu Kola, Brahmi, and Bhringraj, are known for their tridoshic properties. These herbs effectively restore the balance of all three doshas and ensure good health by strengthening the immune system. Ayurvedic supplements, along with Yoga and other practices, go a long way towards improving strength and stamina. Ayurvedic medicine is highly subjective and the dosage is tailored to suit individual characteristics. All herbs and spices have different uses and are sometimes used in combination to get the desired result.

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