Chest Infection affects many things in the respiratory tract. A chest infection is a kind of serious infection that affects the lungs either in bronchitis or in smaller air sac that causes pneumonia. There is not a particular age group that is affected by chest pain. This problem can develop in anyone and at any age.
If we talk about the time duration then it does not last long, it hardly takes 7 to 10 days for a person to recover from a chest infection but cough might take 7 to 10 days it all depends on what is the exact issue and reason behind it.

Chest Infection

There are two common types of chest Infection and those are:-

  • Bronchitis
  • Pneumonia

Bronchitis – In this chest infection, bronchial tubes get affected and bronchial tubes are used to transfer air to your lungs. This chest infection had various symptoms that are-

    1. Runny Nose – This condition occurs in the common cold also, but apart from that it is also a sign of bronchitis. A runny nose can also occur in a chest cold that is known as acute bronchitis.
    2. Mild Headache – No matter how minor the health issue is never ignore it because who knows what changes it may show.
    3. Fever – It is the most common health issue which may occur because of many reasons but just because it is a common issue never ignore it.
    4. Fatigue – Coughing is the common thing and obvious thing in chest infection and because of coughing for a long period patient may feel weak or tired.
    5. Chills – If the reason for chest infection is cough and cold then because of cold patients may feel shaking and shivering and this shows the sign of chest infection.
    6. Body ache – Any health issue in the body will give you body pain, it may be a little bit of it can be unbearable that depends on what kind of health issue the person is facing.

Pneumonia – Pneumonia is a kind of infection that affects the air sac, now it depends that it will affect the air sac of both the lungs and just one single lung. In pneumonia, the air sac may be filled with fluid or pus.

Just like bronchitis, it also had various symptoms such as:

    1. Chest Pain – Pneumonia is all started from the chest so, it will cause pain in the chest. Anyone who feels pain in the chest should never ignore it.
    2. Sweating – In bronchitis, a patient feels chills and cold but in pneumonia with chills and shivering patient also feels sweating.
    3. Nausea/Vomiting – No matter what kind of infection a person is suffering from but the reason behind any infection is the entry of unwanted bacteria or viruses into the body.
    4. Shortness of Breath – The chest plays an important role in the breathing process so any issue in the chest will surely affect the breathing.
    5. Blue lips due to lack of Oxygen – Chest infection causes the problem of inhaling oxygen and shortness of breathing will cause lack of oxygen in the body and because of that lips color will change to blue.


      • If we talk about the reason that causes chest infection then there are few reasons behind this infection but the first or prior reason is the unwanted entry of bacteria and viruses. Any infection no matter how and in which body parts it occur, it is only because of the unwanted entry of bacteria and virus.
      • Bronchitis infection occurs due to a virus in a body on the other hand pneumonia mostly occurs because of bacteria; infection. Chest infection also occurs because of inhaling droplets that come from other people with any kind of infection while he is sneezing or coughing.
      • Apart from all these above mention reasons, there is also one more reason for causing chest infection and that is, when you come in contact with an infected person and you touch him or anything that is used by that patient and after that without washing your hands you touch your hand on your mouth, it will surely spread the infection.

Risk Factors

Pregnant Women

  • Pregnant Women – When a woman is pregnant she becomes many times more sensitive in comparison to normal women. So, for chest infections also pregnant women are at a high-risk level. They need all precaution and preventive measures.

Old Age


  •  Old Age – Old age people need all the treatment just like a small baby, their body parts also start behaving like a small child. So, they need more care at the last stage of life.

Shortness of breath

  • Breathing Problem – People who are already suffering from breathing issues such as asthma and apart from breathing patients, diabetic patients, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder patients are also at risk level and not so strong enough to resist such kind of infection.


  • Smokers – People who smoke a lot are automatically damaging their lungs slowly-slowly and weak lungs catch infection very easily.

Weak Immunity


  • Weak Immunity – Weak immunity is not able to fight against any virus or bacteria and because of that, they can’t resist any infection from entering their body bad get infected by such infections.


There are a few complications that occur in chest infection

    1. One of the complications that occur in chest infection is bronchitis can lead to pneumonia.
    2. Sometimes bacteria may reach the bloodstream and that is known as sepsis.


    1. Cleaning is the most important activity to keep the infection away from your body. Everyone should wash their hands before eating and also before touching their face.
    2. A healthy diet is one of the best things that everyone should add to their daily routine to keep healthy.
    3. Rest is very important for the body; if you don’t take sufficient rest then your body automatically starts feeling sick.
    4. Avoid lying flat on the bed while sleeping because this can lead to mucus settling in your chest.
    5. If a person is suffering from a cough then he should use a steam inhaler to help relieve coughing.
    6. Try to avoid alcohol completely but if someone is too much addicted then e used to reduce it.


According to Ayurveda coughing issue is caused by excess pitta or Kapha and similarly covid-19 pandemic occurs because of imbalance in Kapha dosha. Ayurveda states that the stomach and lungs are the two main locations of Kapha Dosha and imbalance in Kapha Dosha results in respiratory diseases.


  1. Tulsi – It has anti-inflammatory properties that help to tat bronchitis.
  2. Kalmegha – This herb has various properties like anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-oxidant.
  3. Vasaka – This is very helpful to remove phlegm
  4. Licorice – This helps in sore throat, cough, and respiratory system.
  5. Pippali – This helps in clears mucus, nasal congestion and treats respiratory problems.
  6. Turmeric – Turmeric is nothing less than a supernatural herb that has various health-beneficial properties.



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