What is Diarrhea?

Diarrhea is loose, watery stool that occurs frequently and the person suffering from diarrhea goes to the toilet again and again. Diarrhea is not always a serious issue sometimes it occurs without any specific reason and goes away automatically after some time. But several things might be the reason behind this health issue like diarrhea can be caused by viruses, bacteria, and stored food.
If this issue of diarrhea occurs less frequently then it is a sign of some serious issue, like inflammatory bowel disease. In diarrhea, there is a depletion of water and electrolytes along with the stool that’s why it is very important for the person suffering from this issue should drink plenty of water and not only water but also other fluids which provide energy and strength to the body.
There are two types of diarrhea issues one is Acute and another one is Chronic Diarrhea. The condition of both types of diarrhea is different from each other.
(a) The person who suffers from acute diarrhea will face this condition for at least one or two days but generally not more than that.
(b) In chronic diarrhea, will last for at least four weeks.



Post Covid and Diarrhea


Covid-19 now becomes a common issue for every other person most of the people are suffering or someone from their close ones is suffering from the coronavirus. Coronavirus along with itself affects the digestive system. It is found in research that every third person who is suffering from the coronavirus has a symptom that shows that something is not good with the digestive system also.
Some early case reports show that there is a presence of the virus in stool samples which is suggestive of an additional route for transmission through the fecal-oral route. It can also be considered as a primary symptom of the coronavirus and because of that people who are already suffering from some gastrointestinal disorder are at higher risk of developing any viral infection.
It can be considered as a symptom but that doesn’t mean that it is always a reason behind causing Covid infection. People suffering from this issue can isolate themselves and treat themselves if they have mild symptoms but if the issue is not so minor then they have to visit the hospital to get back to their healthy body.

Major Causes of Diarrhea and Covid-19

Bacterial Infection – Various bacteria can cause watery diarrhea and those bacteria enter into the body through contaminated food, water. Bacteria that are commonly known for causing diarrhea are Salmonella, Shigella, etc.

Bacterial Infection

Viral Infection – Viral infection causes diarrhea, viral gastroenteritis that an intestinal infection causes watery diarrhea. The virus which is commonly recognized for causing the diarrheal issue is Rotavirus.

Viral Infection

Unhealthy Food intake – Eating unhealthy food that disturbs the digestive system is one of the major reasons behind diarrheal disease. Not every person has a strong and healthy digestive system that whatever they eat they will digest.

Food Intake

Intestinal Disease – Sometimes diarrhea is just a sign that shows and indicates that there is some infection in the intestinal tract and the reason behind that infection can be anything bacteria, virus, or parasites.

Intestinal Disease

Broad Spectrum antibiotics can cause Diarrhea – Antibiotics are also categorized for causing diarrhea whether consumed orally or by injection. Especially Broad Spectrum antibiotic which kills the bacteria are majorly known for affection digestive system.


Parasitic Infection – Parasites cause various infections like that Giardia infection is caused by a parasite and this Giardia infection is an intestinal infection that leads to various stomach issues like bloating, cramps and watery diarrhea is also one of the major issues caused by this infection.

Parasitic Infection

Allergies and intolerances to some food – Food tolerance means when a person’s body has a chemical reaction to eating a particular food or drink. Whereas food allergy causes an immune system reaction that can easily affect the various body organ.


Medication – Various medicines cause diarrhea is the common side effect of consuming drugs and various medications. Medicines which suppress the immune system are likely to cause diarrhea.


Radiation Therapy – It is quite common to have diarrhea after radiation therapy. It happens because radiation can easily irritate the healthy cells lining inside of the bowel.

Radiation Therapy

Poor absorption of food – This condition of not absorbing the food properly is known as Malabsorption in these nutrients is not properly absorbed during the digestive process and causes diarrhea.

Poor absorption of food

 Symptoms of Post Covid Diarrhea

  1. Watery Stool – Having watery stool that is also known as loose stool is the symptom of diarrhea. It is caused by a variety of germs that can be bacteria, parasites. 
  2. Frequent Use Bathroom – Going to the washroom, again and again, is a clear sign of diarrhea and it can lead to serious complications. Diarrhea is the frequent passage of loose stool so frequent use of the bathroom is a common and obvious thing. 
  3. Weight Loss – Weight Loss is the symptom of Diarrhea and this is the common and obvious thing because whatever you eat doesn’t stay in your body and as soon as you eat it goes out in form of stool then automatically you will start losing weight.
  4. Cramping/ Abdominal Pain – Whenever a person is suffering from cramping or abdominal pain it is a sign that it may result in diarrhea because most of the time cramping is followed by diarrhea. 
  5. Fatigue – Sometimes Fatigue gives you an indication of diarrhea because when you lose fluid very frequently from the body, it will put you at risk of having dehydration. 
  6. Loss of Control of bowel Movement – Loss of control of bowel movement means frequently unexpected pass of stool in which person completely lose control of visiting washroom and this result into nothing but only diarrhea.
  7. Dehydration – Dehydration means when a person is having a lack of water in his or her body which means he or she is continuously losing water even if they have enough water. That’s why dehydration is also one of the symptoms of diarrhea.
  8. Blood in stools – Diarrhea is not always carrying blood but sometimes if your stool is carried out with blood it shows that it may be a risk of having diarrhea and also known as hematochezia.
  9. Bloating – Having bloating is not a critical issue but it shows that it may end up in diarrhea but that will only be mild diarrhea in most cases.
  10. Fever And Chills – Not all type of diarrhea followed by fever but gastroenteritis diarrhea sometimes include fever, chills and even headache is also a symptom of having this particular diarrhea.
  11. Vertigo – Vertigo means a sensation of movement which a person feels but in reality there is no movementWhenever a person suffering from diarrhea at the same time that person may experience vertigo.


Ayurveda defines every disease and cause in its way and it also has treatment and that is too through the herbal medium. According to Ayurveda, diarrhea is known as Atisaaram which means losing stool and according to Ayurveda losing stool is because of jatharangi mandhya which means low digestive fire. Other reasons behind losing stool, apart from the weak digestive fire are unhealthy food, impure water, and mental stress. These all are the main causative agent of atisaaram.
If we talk about that how this whole process works then it goes like this, Imbalanced Vata stretches out the fluid part from different tissues of the body and takes it into the intestine then this fluid mixes with the stool which causes diarrhea, losing stool, or watery motion. But this also depends that on which specific Dosha is aggravated because atisaaram is classified into different types in Ayurveda for example Vataj, Pittaj, Kaphaj, Sannipatik, Bhayaj, and Shokaj.

Ayurvedic Treatment For Post Covid-19 Diarrhea

  1. Dadima – Dadima in Ayurveda states for the fruit Pomegranate which is quite good for diarrhea because it contains pectin and tannins and this helps in binding up the stool and treat the digestive system.
  2. Katuja – This is an ayurvedic remedy known as Kutaja Ghana Vati and is considered as a traditional ayurvedic remedy that has anti-dysenteric, antidiarrheal, anti-amoebic, and also hemostatic properties.
  3. Bilava – Bilva is the Sanskrit name of Bael fruit and in Ayurveda also it is known as Bilva. This fruit is famous for having soothing properties and consider being a great eatable for digestive problems. It not only helps in digestion but also supports bowel movements.
  4. Guduchi – It helps in preventing constipation and also in malabsorption along with diarrhea. Even though diarrhea and constipation are just opposite health issues but both are related to the digestive system. 
  5. Pippali – This is known as Long Pepper and it has various properties which are helpful for health issues not only for digestive problems but apart from that it also works as a pain killer for stomachache.
  6. Ginger – Ginger is listed both as an herb and spice but one thing is for sure true about it and that is magical for its health benefits. Diarrhea is also caused by bacteria and ginger helps to treat the toxic bacteria and stop the fluid to collect in the intestine which prevents the chances of having diarrhea. 

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