With the onset of the 21st century, we have witnessed an era of intense transformation in all areas, whether it is eating habits or digital dependence. We are living in a time where we are constantly being bombarded with digital content. We stare at electronic screens across phones, tablets, TV, and computers all day and we consume junk food to satisfy our taste buds. This creates a perfect environment for varying degrees of Vata imbalance.
Below is an overview of Vata Dosha along with some nutrition tips for balancing Vata and suggestions for incorporating the opposite quality to restore equilibrium in your body.

What is Vata Dosha in Ayurveda

What is Vata Dosha in Ayurveda

‘Vata’ has air as the main element. Ether acts as the regulatory element for this Dosha.
Being dominant in Vata is caused due to excess of both heat and cold this might be caused by external or internal.

External factors include radiation emitted from electronic devices such as mobile phones, laptops, and internal factors are our intake of spicy food, salt, fried items, tobacco, liquor, etc. All these give taste to the taste buds, but make an impact on health and lead to Vata.

Innate Nature of this Dosha

People with this dosha can be described as creative-minded, kind-hearted, and flexible. They are capable of thinking out of the box and they are quick-witted and open to new experiences. They are very moody and their moods can be influenced by the weather, as well as the food is taken.

Body Type of this Dosha

Small-framed, thin, with narrow shoulders and hips. They tend to have small or petite facial features. Their hair tends to be quite dry or fuzzy. They have low stamina and energy.

Strengths or Positive Qualities of the Vata body type in Ayurveda

Quick-minded, creative, full of new ideas, and quick learners.

The weaknesses of the Vata body type in Ayurveda

Susceptibility to anxiety, mood swings, confusion, unable to sit still, suffer from worry, and tend to complain a lot. They are prone to arthritis, flatulence and bloating, and joint issues.

Health Contradictions or diseases of this Dosha

Prone to conditions of the nervous system. Their skin is more prone to dryness. They often experience poor circulation and cold extremities. They have irregular sleeping patterns – either have trouble sleeping or suffer from insomnia.

Food Consumption suitable for this Dosha

A Vata-dominant person tends to have irregular appetites. They should eat the below-mentioned eating pattern so as to focus on promoting balancing Vata dosha within your body.

  • Protein : Eggs, fish, chicken, and white meat.
  • Dairy : Fresh milk, ghee, paneer, soy milk, and tofu 
  • Fruits : Bananas, papayas, peaches, pineapples, plums, coconuts, apples, figs, grapefruits, grapes, mangos, melons, oranges
  • Vegetables : Spinach (in small quantities), sprouts (in small quantities), tomatoes (in small quantities), celery, garlic, and onions (only steamed).
  • Legumes : Mung beans and black lentils.
  • Grains : oats, wheat, brown rice, 
  • Nuts and seeds : Small amounts of pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, coconut, almonds, cashews, peanuts, pine nuts, pistachios, walnuts, sesame seeds
  • Herbs and spices : All spices in small amounts 

Imbalance or Vitiation of the Vata dosha

Any Vata Dosh vitiation induces feelings of anxiety and fear. It can leave you exhausted both physically and mentally. It has an effect on the body’s natural movement.

Imbalance can wreak havoc on digestion and weaken immunity. It has the potential to cause weight loss. Loss of vitality, bloating and gas, restlessness, and insomnia are all common symptoms.

Skin dryness, dizziness, poor circulation, muscle spasms, and other symptoms of a Vata imbalance may occur.

For women’s reproductive health and period ease, a balancing Vata dosha is essential. Excessive menstrual cramping, poor blood flow, and unpredictable menstrual cycle timings are all symptoms of an aggravated Vata dosh.

Correcting Vitiation of the Vata dosha

Moisture, grounding, warming, smooth, oily, and stabilizing qualities are the polar opposites of Vata. As a result, Vata people should search out physical and emotional settings, habits, and foods that have the opposite qualities. The use of sweet fragrances and music will help to correct vitiation.

Soft and warm foods, such as cooked vegetables, fruit, eggs, and dairy products, should be consumed. Increase the amount of sour, salty, and sweet flavours in your food.

exercises involving movement should be included for vata dosha

Vata personalities must be on the move and physically active. Since movement is a key feature of this Dosha, exercises involving movement should be included, such as cycling, jogging, running, walking, swimming, Yogasanas involving movement, dance, and so on.

The bottom Line

When your Doshas are out of control, you will start to have health problems. If you start to feel unwell, either physically or mentally, it may be a sign that your doshas are out of control.

Eating the right foods, taking Ayurvedic supplements, exercising, and handling stress will all help in balancing Vata Dosha.