While each individual is thought to have a unique constitution, they usually fall into one of three dosha categories — Vata, Pitta, and Kapha — based on body type, personality, and sensitivities. Doshas are a very important concept in Ayurveda and have a strong relationship with the elements of nature.

According to Ayurveda, a person’s entire health is based on their dosha.

People are thought to have a mix of doshas when they are born. There are typically one or two dominant doshas that control our physical, mental, and emotional characteristics.

Below is an overview of Pitta Dosh along with some nutrition tips to Balance Pitta and suggestions for incorporating the opposite quality to restore equilibrium in your body.

What is Pitta Dosha in Ayurveda

Pitta Dosha in Ayurveda

‘Pitta’ refers to ‘tapa’ which means ‘to heat’. Pitta has fire (Agni) as the main element. The dosha is founded on fire and water and is associated with a tenacious personality.

Innate Nature of this Dosha

People with this dosha can be described as competitive, goal-oriented, intelligent, hard-working, decisive, and highly motivated. In terms of energy levels, Pitta types are very intense. They have a definite goal in mind and enjoy accumulating accomplishments. They have a voracious appetite and enjoy cold weather and participate in sports. People with this dosha have strive for perfection with everything they do.

Body Type of this Dosha

Good circulatory system, healthy skin and hair, healthy metabolic system, and extremely athletic frame. They have a muscular body and are usually well-built. They have a proportionate body of supple, smooth joints.

Strengths or Positive Qualities of the Pitta body type in Ayurveda

Intelligent, purposeful, quick learners, self-determined, masters skills easily, a strong desire for success, strong, natural leaders.

The weaknesses of the Pitta body type in Ayurveda

Impatient, prone to conflict with others, always hungry, subject to mood swings when hungry, prone to acne and inflammation, sensitive to hot temperatures. This dosha generally has an aggressive temperament due to which others find their nature violent and tenacious.

Health Contradictions or diseases of this Dosha

Prone to conditions like indigestion, heart disease, heartburn, inflammation, and high blood pressure. Their skin is more prone to blemishes.

Food Consumption suitable for Pitta Dosha

A Pitta-dominant person should eat the below-mentioned eating pattern so as to focus on promoting balance within your body.

  • Protein: Poultry in small amounts, eggs, tofu. red meat, seafood
  • Dairy: Milk, ghee, butter, sour cream, cheese, buttermilk
  • Fruits: Sweet, fully ripe fruits like oranges, pears, pineapples, bananas, melons, mango, various berries, mangosteen, guava, coconut.
  • Vegetables: White pumpkin, squash, cucumbers, all kinds of cabbage (except red), herbs, green beans, asparagus.
  • Legumes: Chickpeas, lentils, mung beans, lima beans, black beans, kidney beans
  • Grains: barley, oats, basmati rice, wheat, brown rice, millet, corn, rye
  • Nuts and seeds: Small amounts of pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, coconut, almonds, cashews, peanuts, pine nuts, pistachios, walnuts, sesame seeds
  • Herbs and spices: Small amounts of black pepper, cumin, cinnamon, cilantro, dill, turmeric

Imbalance or Vitiation of the Pitta Dosh in Ayurveda

Any Pitta Dosh vitiation induces inflammatory reactions in the body. This has an effect on all of the body’s organs. On a mental level, a Pitta imbalance may cause envy, resentment, rage, and a propensity to criticize others, as well as a negative state of mind. This imbalance has the potential to impair digestion and trigger excessive hunger and thirst. It can even make you sleepless. Pitta can be aggravated by hot weather, the sun’s rays, and hot food. Pitta Dosh is aggravated by sour, salty, and pungent foods. This Dosha can be vitiated by spicy foods and potatoes.

Correcting Vitiation of the Pitta Dosha

According to Ayurveda, each dosha thrives on a particular diet, lifestyle, and exercise routine. Changing health diet and lifestyle factors may help to correct a dosha imbalance. An imbalance can lead to illness if left unchecked.

Best foods for pitta dosha

The opposite of Pitta is dry, fluffy, and cold. Locate a cool location to correct the vitiation. Relax in a comfortable place on a warm bed. Light, sweet, and cold food is ideal.

Fruits, vegetables, and salads can be eaten as part of a Pitta balance diet. Pleasant, astringent, and bitter flavors must be present in the food. Avoid processed and refined foods in favour of naturally sweet foods.

A Pitta-dominant person, being a heat-generating Dosh, should not without pushing themselves too hard and should avoid over-exercising.

The bottom line

To calm down your Dosha, use the concepts of opposites. If you have a Pitta body form, heat is dominant. As a result, you should exercise caution in hot weather and avoid spicy foods.

To calm down your Dosha, use the concepts of opposites.

Incorporate Yogasanas, exercise, Pranayama breathing exercises, and a balanced diet into your daily routine. This will assist you in successfully befriending your Dosha and living a safe and happy life.