The ancient science of Ayurveda bases its theory on the existence of five elements. These elements are space/ether, fire, water, air, and earth. These five elements combine to form three metabolic groups, which are also called doshas or constitutions. Doshas are a very important concept in Ayurveda (namely Kapha, Vata, Pitta Dosha) and have a strong relationship with the elements of nature.

According to Ayurveda, a person’s entire health is based on their dosha.

People are thought to have a mix of doshas when they are born. There are typically one or two dominant doshas that control our physical, mental, and emotional characteristics.

Let’s have a look at Kapha dosha and healthcare and diet tips for balancing Kapha.

What is Kapha Dosha in Ayurveda

Balancing Kapha Dosha in Ayurveda

Kapha (pronounced “kuffa”) has the earth (Prithvi) as the main element. Water (Ap) acts as the regulatory element for this Dosha.

Innate Nature of this Dosha

People with this dosha can be described as steady, stable, strong, thick-boned, and caring. They are naturally calm, grounded, and loyal. They’re known for keeping things in order and serving as a source of support and encouragement to others.

Kapha-dominant people are rarely angry. They always think before acting and move slowly and deliberately through life.

Body Type of this Dosha

Strong bones and joints and a healthy immune system, sturdy frame.

Strengths or Positive Qualities of the Kapha body type in Ayurveda

Trusting, patient, calm, wise, happy, romantic, empathetic, caring.

The weaknesses of the Kapha body type in Ayurveda

Sluggish, need regular motivation and encouragement, susceptible to depression.

Health Contradictions or diseases of this Dosha

Prone to weight gain, slow metabolism, over-sleeping, breathing issues (i.e., asthma, allergies), higher risk of heart disease, mucus build-up, may have issues with asthma, depression, or diabetes.

Food Consumption Suitable for Balancing Kapha Dosha

A Kapha-dominant person should eat only room temperature foods or warm drinks. It is advisable to avoid foods that are sweet, sour, and/or salty.

Follow the below-mentioned eating pattern so as to focus on balancing of Kapha dosha within your body.

  • Protein : Poultry in small amounts, red meat, shrimp, egg yolks seafood, egg whites
  • Dairy : Skim milk, goat milk, soy milk, low-fat cheese
  • Fruits : Apples, blueberries, bananas, coconuts, mangoes, fresh figs pears, pomegranates, cherries, and dried fruit like raisins, figs, and prunes
  • Vegetables : Asparagus, leafy greens, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, onions, potatoes, mushrooms, radishes, okra
  • Legumes : Any, including black beans, rice, wheat, cooked cereal chickpeas, lentils, and navy beans
  • Grains : Oats, rye, soybeans, kidney beans, miso, buckwheat, barley, corn, millet
  • Nuts and seeds : Cashews, pecans, pine nuts, Brazil nuts, sesame seeds, walnuts, small amounts of pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds
  • Herbs and spices : Any, including cumin, black pepper, turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, basil, oregano, and thyme

Imbalance or Vitiation of the Kapha Dosha

The vitiation of the Kapha Dosh produces congestion in the body’s tissues and organs. It not only induces physical stagnation, but it also causes mental stagnation. It makes you feel cold.

This mismatch causes body flabbiness and white skin coloration, among other things. Lethargy and excessive sleep are symptoms of kappa vitiation. It induces extreme possessiveness, stubbornness, and resistance to change on a mental level.

This Dosha is aggravated by cold and wet weather, heavy cooking, and fatty foods (including oils, nuts, and refined foods).

Correcting Vitiation of the Kapha Dosha

According to Ayurveda, each dosha thrives on a particular diet, lifestyle, and exercise routine. Changing diet and lifestyle factors may help to correct a dosha imbalance. An imbalance can lead to illness if left unchecked.

how to balance kapha dosha in ayurveda

A Kapha-dominant person should focus on a regular and vigorous exercise routine that includes jogging, hiking, biking, vigorous forms of yoga or martial arts, or other challenging forms of exercise like cardio and weight-resistance exercises.

Any type of movement is extremely beneficial for this group. This group should establish a regular sleep routine; maintain a warm body temperature and stimulating the body and mind on a daily basis.

The Bottom Line

Ayurvedic medicine is popular today because of its emphasis on whole-body healing. You must comprehend the Dosha’s characteristics and be aware of what will aggravate the Dosha.

An imbalanced dosha, according to Ayurveda, causes bad health and disease. As a result, choosing food, exercise, and lifestyle patterns that are compatible with your dosha is thought to encourage overall health and balancing Kapha Dosha.

To calm down your Dosha, use the concepts of opposites. This will assist you in successfully befriending your Dosha and living a safe and happy life.