To most of us, Turmeric is a bright yellow powder used as a spice in cooking and never thought of uses of turmeric for nerve pain. However, very few people know that Turmeric or Curcuma Longa is a flowering plant of the ginger family.

It is the root of this plant that is used in cooking. Powdered turmeric is also derived from the same root.

Turmeric is an indispensable part of Asian, more precisely, South Asian cuisine. It finds mention in various ancient texts for its medicinal and therapeutic properties. Some of these are Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, and traditional Chinese medicine.

Although it is praised in great volume for its various health benefits including its benefits for skin, hair, and immunity, it needs more elaboration when it comes to its analgesic potential.

Most of the pain-alleviating aspects of Turmeric can be attributed to the presence of Curcumin in it. Curcumin is a chemical present in Turmeric and is also responsible for its bright yellow-orange color.

It is a natural antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory properties. This is why turmeric is consumed by many to boost the immune system.

Does turmeric relieve pain?

The Curcumin present in Turmeric alleviates pain. It also controls pain from increasing as an effect of its non-inflammatory properties. Turmeric is often applied to shallow open wounds and burns for the same reason.

It is also useful in the treatment of Fibromyalgia, a form of musculoskeletal pain often caused due to stress and other unexplained factors.

Fibromyalgia can severely hamper the quality of life if left untreated.

Curcumin supplements are also taken by people who suffer from migraine as it helps in pain management without making people drowsy, unlike painkillers available over the counter.

It is also known to reduce the severity of Premenstrual Syndrome in women.

Is Turmeric helpful in Nerve Pain?

Turmeric helpful for nerve pain

Several studies have established that Turmeric has the tendency to bring relief in case of chronic nerve pain.

It helps the body heal faster in the unfortunate event of an injury and even helps in alleviating the pain when peripheral nerve injury is involved.

It also eases back pain and pain caused due to arthritis. The Curcuminoids reduce pain by fighting against inflammation, which happens to be a common cause of nerve pain.  

According to a 2009 research titled Turmeric: A Herbal and Traditional Medicine, Curcumin is similar to Capsaicin (a compound found in Cayenne).

Curcumin results in the reduction of a neuropeptide called Substance P. As a result of this, pain signals are prevented from being transmitted through nerve fibers.

Turmeric for Toothache

Turmeric for Tooth Nerve Pain

Stating that dental pain is one of the most excruciating pains known to mankind will not be an exaggeration. It affects everyone at some point in time.

Turmeric might offer some respite in this case too. Toothache is caused by tooth decay in most cases.

Applying Turmeric to the affected area will not only reduce the pain because of its anesthetic effect but also help in healing the infection.

According to the Indian Journal of Dental Research, it can also be used as an antiseptic mouth rinse. For this, boil turmeric along with 2 cloves and guava leaves and once it cools down, use it as a mouth rinse.

You can also massage gums with roasted turmeric as it is believed to reduce swelling.

Topical application of Turmeric also helps in gingivitis (inflammation of gums) and periodontitis (a serious infection of the gum that can spread and destroy the jawbone).

Curcuma for sciatica nerve pain

Turmeric for Sciatic Nerve Pain

The term Sciatica or Sciatic pain is generally used to refer to the pain that radiates along the Sciatic nerve.

It usually affects the lower back and legs typically affecting one side of the body, though it can radiate to other parts as well. It may result due to various underlying factors, the most common reason being a herniated disc.

Turmeric has been found to be of immense help in dealing with sciatic pain. The anti-inflammatory properties of Curcumin present in Turmeric have a therapeutic effect on the condition.

Although it may not treat the cause of the pain, it is more often than not instrumental in pain management, when combined with other treatment measures. 

However, in certain cases where the underlying cause of Sciatic nerve pain is inflammation, Turmeric may even go as far as treating the root cause as it has the ability to fight against inflammation. 

It would hardly be an exaggeration to state that when it comes to managing mild, dull pains, Turmeric has a clear edge over the traditional NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs) such as Diclofenac and Ibuprofen as these drugs are notorious for their side effects and often cause indigestion, headaches, drowsiness, and even allergic reactions and stomach ulcers in some cases.

Turmeric, on the contrary, does not have any serious side effects and is tolerated well by most people even in high doses. NSAIDs must be avoided unless absolutely necessary.

How much turmeric should I take for nerve pain?

Although Indian cuisine is abundant in Turmeric, the dosage might not suffice to help in pain management.

Turmeric extracts are generally more concentrated with Curcuminoids, the compound that actually helps relieve pain. By weight, pure Turmeric has approximately 3.14% Curcumin in it.

Turmeric also boosts the production of bile, thus aiding the stomach in better digestion of fats. Drinking a glass of Golden Milk – a concoction of Turmeric and milk – helps people suffering from Osteoarthritis by reducing inflammation substantially.

As far as dosage is concerned, the JECFA (Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives) recommends a daily dosage of 1.4 mg/lb (3 mg/kg) of body weight.

Going above this recommended dose may have adverse effects and should only be done under proper guidance.

You should also seek medical advice if you have a prevailing medical condition as when taken in high doses, Turmeric may cause unfavorable drug interactions.

You must be particularly cautious if you take blood thinners or blood-pressure regulating drugs.

How long does it take for turmeric to relieve pain?

Unlike NSAIDs, Turmeric does not give instant relief. When opting for natural treatments, patience is the key.

Once you start taking Turmeric regularly for its therapeutic benefits, you will notice improvement slowly but surely.

As it works by targeting inflammation, it might take some time as it aims at treating the root cause and not just the symptoms.

It also improves mood when taken over time, although it may take several weeks before you begin to notice concrete results.


Ultimately, it must be reiterated that Turmeric is one of the most viable and safest options when it comes to pain management.

Its analgesic effect is not superficial but is deeply rooted in the principle of healing and combating inflammation.

It is already a part of a number of cuisines across the globe and contributes to the overall health of those who consume it regularly.

However, to reap its other benefits and to utilize its full potential, it needs to be taken in higher doses than the dosage offered by everyday diets. For this, Turmeric extracts may be included as a part of the treatment.