SUKH-pachan Syrup


The SUKH-pachan syrup has been formulated to improve and maintain digestive health. It ensures the smooth functioning of the digestive system. The ingredients present in SUKH-pachan syrup help in the maintenance of digestive enzymes, thereby ensuring proper digestion and absorption of food. It helps the body avoid various gut-related ailments, such as indigestion, acidity, constipation, and bloating. It is also beneficial in reducing bad cholesterol. It can also help you lose weight as it has the ability to boost your metabolism. Regular use of SUKH-pachan syrup helps improve overall health and strengthens immunity.



The SUKH-pachan is a best ayurvedic digestive enzyme syrup in india that has been formulated to improve and maintain digestive health. It ensures the smooth functioning of the digestive system. The ingredients present in SUKH-pachan syrup help in the maintenance of digestive enzymes, thereby ensuring proper digestion and absorption of food. It helps the body avoid various gut-related ailments, such as indigestion, acidity, constipation, and bloating. It is also beneficial in reducing bad cholesterol. It can also help you lose weight as it has the ability to boost your metabolism. Regular use of SUKH-pachan syrup helps improve overall health and strengthens immunity.

Key Ingredients & Benefits of SUKH-pachan

Chitrak – Chitrak is a powerful digestive and carminative herb. Chitrak root is beneficial in managing diabetes. It also regulates the improper intake of sugar and fats and helps in their digestion.

Zeerak –  Zeerak boost immunity of intestine. Fights bacteria and parasites. Saunth Dry ginger powder is known as saunth. Saunth cures the stomach irritation. It is very helpful in treating sore throat and nausea. It also remove the toxin from the body
very easily and which leads to nourish the skin naturally.

Saunf –  It helps kick start digestion by promoting the production of gastric enzymes. Very effective to consume in summers because it helps to keep the body temperature cool in summers. Best solution for digestion, it works best for all digestive issues.

Harad –  Enhance digestive powers, it is a complete package of immune – boosting antioxidant. It improves digestion by forming a healthy intestinal environment and by increasing the absorption of nutrients from the food.

Indication – It helps improve the digestive system due to its Deepana (appetizer) and Pachana (digestion) properties. May help lower cholesterol. level and aids in weight loss. Helps is boosting the body’s metabolism and keeps the digestive system healthy, smooth and running. Harad also has Rechana (laxative) property that can aid in constipation. helps in Cough and Cold and improves immunity.

Dosage –  As directed by physician.


Category: SUKH-pachan Syrup

The SUKH-pachan syrup can be taken during pregnancy under medical supervision. It may even improve appetite and alleviate some of the symptoms of morning sickness. Consult your doctor for the same.

Category: SUKH-pachan Syrup

Consult your physician or Ayurvedic doctor before taking the SUKH-pachan syrup.

Category: SUKH-pachan Syrup

Some of the key ingredients used in SUKH-pachan reduce inflammation and improve digestion. They also help prevent constipation and improve appetite. Chitrak, one of the key ingredients in this syrup, acts as a carminative and ensures proper absorption of nutrients. Saunth helps to reduce inflammation and alleviates irritation. Saunf or fennel seeds promote the production of gastric enzymes that are responsible for the proper absorption of nutrients. Harad, which is commonly used in various home remedies, is effective in curing and preventing constipation. All these ingredients are rich in antioxidants and are effective in reducing inflammation.


  • Reduces flatulence
  • Improves digestion and absorption of nutrients
  • Promotes intestinal health
  • Maintains enzyme production
  • Relieves constipation
  • Prevents and cures acidity
  • Treats stomach infections
  • Strengthens immunity
  • Improves metabolism
  • Aids in weight loss
  • May reduce cholesterol
Category: SUKH-pachan Syrup

Certain Ayurvedic medicines are prescribed after thorough examination by Ayurvedic doctors. The effects of certain herbs and medicines are subjective to a person’s Prakriti. Therefore, while it may benefit some people, it may cause side effects in others, and vice-versa. Some ingredients may have an adverse effect and may cause mild to moderate discomfort. Indiscriminate use of SUKH-pachan syrup may cause heartburn and stomach irritation. It may also worsen the condition instead of curing it. Therefore, it is best taken only after consulting an Ayurvedic doctor or a physician. This is even more important in the case of people who suffer from severe illnesses.