SUKH-raktpuro Syrup


The SUKH-raktpuro syrup is an effective blood purifier. It restores the balance of doshas and helps eliminate the buildup of Ama or toxins in the body. Its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties treat various illnesses and improve immunity. It is particularly helpful for people suffering from diabetes. It has anti-coagulant and anti-fibrinolytic properties which are beneficial in maintaining optimum heart health. The SUKH-raktpuro syrup is also helpful in treating various eye disorders. It improves digestion and imparts glow to the skin.



The SUKH-raktpuro syrup is an effective and natural blood purifier. It restores the balance of doshas and helps eliminate the buildup of Ama or toxins in the body. Its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties treat various illnesses and improve immunity. It is particularly helpful for people suffering from diabetes. It has anti-coagulant and anti-fibrinolytic properties which are beneficial in maintaining optimum heart health. The SUKH-raktpuro syrup is also helpful in treating various eye disorders. It improves digestion and imparts glow to the skin.

Key Ingredients & Benefits of SUKH-raktpuro Syrup

Neem – Neem leaves reportedly remove toxins, purity blood and prevent damage caused by free radicals in the body by neutralizing them. Neem is very beneficial for skin it treats dry skin and helps to remove wrinkles and pimples.

Manjistha –  Helps in blood purification and cleaning of the lymphatic system. Helps improve skin health. It helps damaged skin tissue and clears dark spots. It helps to prevent such properties which may invite skin Infections and also helps in removing toxins from the body which automatically gives a glow to the skin.

Vasaka –  Vasaka nut is good for purifying blood. It increases the blood count and also ensures the lowering of blood pressure. It is good for the health of the heart acts as a cardiac tonic. It clears the blocked pores of the skin and also reduces skin aging signs. Apart from that improves the complexion of the skin.

Indication – It is used for leprosy, eye disorders, bloody nose, intestinal worms, stomach upset, loss
of appetite, skin ulcers, diseases of the heart and blood vessels (cardiovascular disease), fever, diabetes, gum disease
(gingivitis), and liver problems. it works as a blood purifier and controls various skin problems. presence of anti coagulant and anti – fibrinolytic properties, it also prevents blockage and formation of clots in the arteries causing heart block.

Dosage – As Directed by Physician.


The SUKH-raktpuro syrup can be taken during pregnancy under medical supervision. Consult your doctor for the same.

In Ayurveda, acne and other skin-related disorders are caused due to dosha imbalance. This dosha imbalance is often a result of the accumulation of toxins and impurities in the system. The SUKH-raktpuro syrup detoxifies blood and aids in the removal of toxins from the system. It revitalizes the body by reinstating balance. It fixes the root cause of acne and other skin disorders. As a result, it helps to cure acne and repair skin damage.

SUKH-raktpuro is an effective Ayurvedic medicine for treating various disorders caused due to the accumulation of toxins in the body. Although it can be safely taken by most people, some ingredients may have an adverse effect and may cause mild to moderate discomfort. Therefore, it is best taken only after consulting an Ayurvedic doctor or a physician. This is even more important in the case of people who suffer from severe illnesses.

Consult your physician or Ayurvedic doctor before taking the SUKH-raktpuro syrup.

Potent herbs like Neem, Manjishtha, and Vasaka constitute the key ingredients in this syrup. Neem is an excellent blood purifier and is known for its anti-bacterial properties. It is packed with antioxidants and helps reverse damage caused by free radicals. Neem and Manjishtha are essential ingredients in Ayurvedic skin care. Manjishtha accelerates the healing process and purifies the lymphatic system. Vasaka promotes cardiac health by reducing hypertension. It is also useful in the treatment of Leprosy. The SUKH-raktpuro syrup is an effective potion for eliminating toxic buildup in the body. It reduces bad cholesterol and aids in the regulation of blood sugar in diabetic patients.


  • Purifies blood
  • Reduces hypertension
  • Useful for diabetics
  • Improves skin texture
  • Treats acne and acne scars
  • Reduces dullness and adds glow
  • Improves digestive health
  • Promotes cardiac health
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Prevents signs of ageing
  • Reduces cholesterol