SUKH-RASA Trifla Juice

The SUKH-Rasa Trifla juice strengthens the immune system due to its immunomodulatory effect and reduces inflammation. It promotes detoxification, improves liver health, and ensures optimal digestive health. This juice is free of any artificial additives or preservatives. Triphala juice makes it highly effective for the improvement of overall health.




In Ayurveda, Triphala is a Rasayana or herbal preparation made up of three medicinal ingredients, namely Amla, Harad, and Baheda. A combination of these proves to be immensely beneficial for health as it acts as a Tridoshic Rasayana. It is a highly effective Ayurvedic medicine as it can restore the balance of all three doshas in the body. Triphala is commonly used for its therapeutic effect on the digestive system. The SUKH-Rasa triphala juice strengthens the immune system due to its immunomodulatory effect and reduces inflammation. It promotes detoxification, improves liver health, and ensures optimal digestive health. The triphala juice is free of any artificial additives or preservatives. This makes it highly effective for the improvement of overall health.

Triphala Juice Benefits and Usage

(a) Skin and Hair

Because Triphala has omega – 3 fatty acid it is an effective thing to consume for both hair and skin both. It gives you healthy skin and also provides strength to your hair roots and treat dandruff problem. 

(b) Oral health

Having Triphala for digestion is one of the wise choices that you can make regarding your health issues. Triphala juice is quite common for solving digestive issues. 

(c) Protect from Cancer

Triphala has a high level of powerful antioxidants like gallic acid and polyphenols which may be enough powerful for fighting against cancer. 

(d) Weight Loss

Triphala juice is effective in weight management. Losing weight is considered to be the biggest achievement nowadays. People who gain weight try and do everything to achieve a slim and fit body but still they don’t get any such success in that. But it can help you to lose fat and especially in the belly area. 

(e) Anti- inflammatory

As it is mention above that Triphala juice has a number of antioxidants that perform various functions to protect the body. Anything which is high in antioxidants is known to reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and also diabetes


It is very important to consult the doctor before using any kind of juice or drink. Pregnant women and breastfeeding women should not take this. 


Trifla has a rejuvenating and revitalizing effect on the body and can be consumed daily in moderation. It is usually taken in the form of juice, powder, or tablets. It is particularly beneficial for people who suffer from stomach ailments due to aggravated Vata. It increases the digestive fire, aids in the proper absorption of nutrients, and improves overall health.

Trifla can be potentially harmful to pregnant or breastfeeding women as it can trigger uterine contractions. Therefore, pregnant women should not consume trifla unless it is advised by a physicianl.

Trifla can be consumed safely by most people. However, it must be taken in moderation as overconsumption may cause mild to moderate side effects. It may cause diarrhoea, gas, and abdominal discomfort due to its laxative effect. People suffering from serious illnesses should consult a physician before taking Trifla to avoid possible unfavourable drug interactions.

You can take 10 ml of SUKH-RASA Trifla juice twice daily after meals, or as directed by a physician. This juice is best taken with lukewarm water.

Trifla is most commonly used for its ability to cure constipation and relieve abdominal discomfort caused due to poor digestion. According to Ayurveda, constipation is a result of an aggravated Vata. Trifla restores the Vata balance and ensures proper digestion. It triggers bowel movements due to its laxative effect. It is, therefore, beneficial for the maintenance of a healthy gut. It is rich in antioxidants that fight against inflammation and strengthen the immune system. Trifla is also believed to improve eye health and protect against vision loss. It has a rejuvenating effect on the body as it reduces cholesterol and helps to maintain a healthy liver. The detoxifying and dosha-balancing nature of Trifla is known to promote weight loss. It helps to regulate blood glucose levels and increases insulin sensitivity in diabetic people.

Uses of Sukh Rasa Trifla juice:

  • Balances all three doshas
  • Improves digestive health.
  • Cures and prevents constipation
  • Detoxification
  • Promotes weight loss
  • useful for diabetics
  • Protects the liver
  • Reduces bad cholesterol
  • Purifies the blood.
  • Strengthens the immune system